Friday, March 8, 2013

Motivation Reading

This is the Schedule for Motivation Reading Passages

Monday, March 11:  Giants in the Forest/Sequoyah, the Cherokee Inventor (pgs. 221-232)
Tuesday, March 12: The Plant Doctor (233-242)
Wednesday, March 13: The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere/ A Historical Account of Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride (243-254)
Thursday, March 14:  Salute to a President (255-264)
Friday, March 15: Tropisms/ Magnets and Plants (265-278)
*Make sure to show all your strategies (main idea and evidence)

Public Library

I will be at HPL Express Monday, March 11-March 14 from 9a.m. to 12p.m. I will be there to help with reading or to check the motivation reading book. This is not mandatory but this is a great opportunity to get help from the teacher in a one-on-one way.  Below are directions on how to get there from Sutton Elementary.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

SpRiNg BrEaK!!!!

It is almost here!!! Spring Break!!!! I want everyone to enjoy their time off but I still need you to continue reading. Here is what you need to work on during spring break:
 Work on istation for at least 30 minutes a day. Click here for website. If you do not have istation downloaded please email me for the download instructions.

 One passage a day: Remember to show all your reading strategies. This should take 45 minutes to complete.
 READ. Especially outside. the weather has been great, so take advantage of the outdoors, take a blanket and enjoy reading in the sunlight!
Visit your public library. If you do not have a library card register here.

Have a wonderful and safe spring break!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spring break activity

Knowing your prefixes, suffixes, and root words!

Knowing your affixes (prefixes, suffixes, and root words) can help increase your vocabulary. go through the index cards and start playing the games over spring break! Have fun!
start playing!